路易斯·N. Cattafesta三世

  • 约翰G. 和Jane E. Olin Endowed Department Chair in Mechanical, Materials, Aerospace Engineering


Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, Penn State University, 1992

M.S. in Aeronautics, Massachusetts Institute of 抛光工艺ogy, 1988 

B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, Penn State University, 1986


  • 流体动力学
  • 主动和被动流量控制
  • 空气声学
  • 执行器和传感器
  • Experimental methods 和 uncertainty analysis

社会兼职 & 会员资格

  • Fellow, American Institute of Aeronautics 和 Astronautics (AIAA)
  • Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)  
  • Fellow, American Physical Society (APS)  
  • Fellow, Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS)
  • Member, Acoustical Society of America (ASA)
  • Associate Editor, Experiments in Fluids 



  • 杨张 路易Cattafesta, 凯尔Pascioni, 和Meelan Choudhari, “大扬程系统中的板条噪声。,航空航天科学进展, 卷146, 2024年4月1日, 100996, httpAppl//doi.org/10.1016/j.paerosci.2024.100996
  • Mostafa Aghaei-Jouybari, Jung-Hee Seo, Sasindu Pinto, 路易Cattafesta, 查尔斯Meneveau, 拉贾特·米塔尔, “Extended Darcy–Forchheimer law including inertial flow deflection effects, ” J. 流体机械. (2024),卷. 980, A13, httpAppl//doi.org/10.1017/jfm.202III.108III
  • 切尔西·索拉诺和 路易Cattafesta, “建模, 设计, optimization of a dielectric elastomer acoustic liner," International Journal of 空气声学, 2023年10月, httpAppl//doi.org/10.1177/1475472X2III1199187
  • 罗斯·理查森,张杨,还有 路易Cattafesta, “Sensor Decontamination via Conditional Spectral Analysis,流体实验, 64:163, 2023年9月, httpAppl//doi.org/10.1007/s00III48-02III-0III705-9
  • Jung-Hee Seo, 杨张 Rajat Mittal, 路易斯·N. Cattafesta, “Vortex induced sound prediction of slat noise from time-resolved particle image velocimetry data,流体实验, 2023, 64:99, httpAppl//doi.org/10.1007/s00III48-02III-0III6III6-5.
  • 吴魏.C . Meneveau.米塔尔,R.帕多万,A.罗利,C., Cattafesta L., “Response of a turbulent separation bubble to zero-net-mass-flux jet perturbations,” Phys. 牧师. 流体,7,084 - 601,8月. 2022, httpAppl//link.aps.org/doi/10.110III / PhysRevFluids.7.084601
  • 辛格,年代.加州伯克利市.张,Y., Cattafesta L.·泰拉,K., “Supersonic cavity flow control using a spanwise array of leading–edge tabs,美国航空协会飞机杂志, 2月. 2022, httpAppl//doi.org/10.2514/1.C0III6678
  • 张,Y., Cattafesta L.N. 3帕西奥尼,K.A.乔达利,M.M.霍拉米,M.R.洛卡德,D.P.特纳,T。., “Assessment of slat extensions 和 a cove filler for slat noise reduction,“啊呀!”, 2021年9月, httpAppl//doi.org/10.2514/1.J060502
  • 刘,问.孙,Y.是的,C.–A.加州伯克利市.S., 卡特菲斯塔,3, L.N.和泰拉,K., “Unsteady control of supersonic turbulent cavity flow based on resolvent analysis,” J. 流体机械.,卷. 925, A5, 2021年8月; httpAppl//doi.org/10.1017/jfm.2021.652
  • 包,年代., T. 金井,张,Y.,郭,W. 和 卡特费斯塔三,L.N., “Stereoscopic detection of hot spots in superfluid 4He (He II) for accelerator–cavity diagnosis,” International Journal of Heat 和 Mass Transfer, 161, 120259, 2020年11月, httpAppl//doi.org/10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2020.120259
  • 张,Y., Cattafesta L.N.和洛杉矶的凯利., “Spectral Analysis Modal Methods (SAMMs) using non–time–resolved PIV.Exp流体, 61:226, October 2020, http://doi.org/10.1007/s00348–020–03057–8
  • 认为,E., Cattafesta L.N.赫马提,M.S.张,H.罗利,C.W.米塔尔,R., “Adaptive control of a separated laminar boundary layer using online dynamic mode decomposition,” J. 流体机械,卷. 903, A21, 2020年9月; httpAppl//doi.org/10.1017/jfm.2020.546
  • Sellappan P.阿尔维,F. S. 和 Cattafesta L. N., “Lagrangian 和 Eulerian measurements in high–speed jets using multi–pulse shake–the–box 和 fine scale reconstruction (VIC#),Exp流体, 61:157, 2020年6月, http://doi.org/10.1007/s00348–020–02993–9
  • 锅,Z.张,Y.古斯塔夫松,J.希基,J.–P., Cattafesta L., “Unscented Kalman filter (UKF) based nonlinear parameter estimation for a turbulent boundary layer: a data assimilation framework,“量. Sci. 抛光工艺., 31, 094011, 2020年6月; http://doi.org/10.1088/1361–6501/ab8904
  • Sanav和i H.,鲍,S.张,Y.凯泽尔,R.,郭,W. 和 卡特费斯塔三,L. N., “A cryogenic–helium pipe flow facility with unique double–line molecular tagging velocimetry capability,“牧师. Sci. Instrum., 9100万,2020年5月 httpAppl//dx.doi.org/10.106III/5.0008117
  • 硬币,.加州伯克利市., Reger, R., Cattafesta L.N., “Low–order estimation of the velocity, 流体压力, acoustic radiation for a three–dimensional turbulent wall jet,” Experimental Thermal 和 Fluid Science, 116, 110101, 2020年8月, httpAppl//dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2020.110101
  • 张,H.美国道森市.T.M.罗利,C.W.迪姆,E.A., Cattafesta L.N., “Evaluating the accuracy of the dynamic mode decomposition,” Journal of Computational 直流发电机amics, 卷. 7, no. 2020年6月1日 httpAppl//www.aimsciences.org/article/doi/10.III9III4/jcd.2020002
  • 太阳,Y.刘强., Cattafesta L.加州伯克利市. & Taira K., “Resolvent analysis of compressible laminar 和 turbulent cavity flows,“啊呀!”, Nov. 2019, httpAppl//doi.org/10.2514/1.J0586IIIIII
  • 张,H.美国道森市.T.M.罗利,C.W.迪姆,E.A., Cattafesta L.N., “Online dynamic mode decomposition for time–varying systems,” SIAM J. :. 直流发电机. 系统., 18(3), 1586-1609,九月. 2019, httpAppl//doi.org/10.11III7/18M1192III29
  • 太阳,Y.刘强., Cattafesta L.泰拉,K. 和洛杉矶的伯克利., “Effects of sidewalls 和 leading–edge blowing on flows over long rectangular cavities,“啊呀!”,卷. 57, no. 2019年1月1日 httpAppl//doi.org/10.2514/1.J05741III

  • 理查森,R.埃克特,B.张,Y.卡特菲斯塔,L.N. 埃德斯特兰德,A.孙,Y.施密德,P.和泰拉,K., “Experimental Attenuation of a Trailing Vortex Inspired by Stability Analysis,” IUTAM Laminar-Turbulent Transition, IUTAM 书eries, 卷38, pp. 313-323, 2022, http://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-67902-6 
  • Oyarzun, M. 和卡特费斯塔,L., “Design of Synthetic Jets” in Synthetic Jets: Fundamentals 和 :ications, ed. K. Mohseni和R. Mittal, 382 pages, CRC Press, Sept. 2014, isbn 9781439868102. 
  • Cattafesta L.巴尔,C.马修,J., “Fundamentals of Wind-Tunnel Design,” in Encyclopedia of Aerospace Engineering, R. 布洛克利和W. 谢伊(编),约翰·威利 & 儿子有限公司,奇切斯特,英国,pp. 691-700, 2010. 
  • Cattafesta L. Sheplak, M. 致动器和传感器,页. 149-175, in Fundamentals 和 :ications of Active Flow Control, ed. R.D. 乔斯林和D.N. 米勒, Progress in Astronautics 和 Aeronautics Series, 231, 出版:AIAA, 2009, 523页, 精装, ISBN-10: 1-56347-983-4. 
  • Cattafesta L.,田,Y.米塔尔,R., “Adaptive Control of Post-Stall Separated Flow – :ication to Heavy Vehicles,” The Aerodynamics of Heavy Vehicles II: Trucks, 公共汽车, 和火车, Lecture Notes in :ied 和 Computational Mechanics,卷. 21日,《. Fred Brow和, Rose McCallen, James Ross, Springer, pp. 151 - 160年12月. 2008. 
  • Agashe J. S.Sheplak, M.阿诺德,D. P.和卡特费斯塔,L. N., “MEMS-based actuators for flow-control applications,” IUTAM Symposium on Flow Control 和 MEMS, Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium held at the Royal Geographical Society, 2006年9月19-22日, 由帝国理工学院主办, 伦敦, 英格兰, IUTAM 书eries,卷. 莫里森,J.F.; Birch, D.M.; Lavoie, P. (Eds.), pp. 25-32, 2008, isbn: 978-1-4020-6857-7. 
  • Sheplak, M.卡特菲斯塔,L.,田,Y. “Micromachined Shear Stress Sensors for Flow Control :ications,” IUTAM Symposium on Flow Control 和 MEMS, Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium held at the Royal Geographical Society, 2006年9月19-22日, 由帝国理工学院主办, 伦敦, 英格兰, IUTAM 书eries,卷. 莫里森,J.F.; Birch, D.M.; Lavoie, P. (Eds.), pp. 67-73, 2008, isbn: 978-1-4020-6857-7. 
  • Ukeiley L.默里,n.n.宋,Q.和卡特费斯塔,L., “Surface Pressure Based Estimation for Control,” IUTAM Symposium on Flow Control 和 MEMS, Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium held at the Royal Geographical Society, 2006年9月19-22日, 由帝国理工学院主办, 伦敦, 英格兰, IUTAM 书eries,卷. 莫里森,J.F.; Birch, D.M.; Lavoie, P. (Eds.) 2008, 16, 456页., isbn: 978-1-4020-6857-7. 


  • 霍洛维茨,年代.Sheplak, M.西田,T. 和卡特费斯塔,L., “Floating-element shear-stress sensor”, 美国专利第8号,879,052, 十一月四日发布, 2014. 
  • Sheplak, M.卡特菲斯塔,L.西田,T.霍洛维茨,S., “Electromechanical Acoustic Liner (part 2)”, 美国专利第7号,212,641, 五月一日发布, 2007. 
  • Sheplak, M.卡特菲斯塔,L, Nishida, “Microelectromechanical Floating Element Flow Sensor,” U.S. 专利没有. 6,966,231, Issued November 22, 2005. 
  • Nishida T.,卡特菲斯塔,L,谢普拉克,M.,和Ngo, K. D. T., “Resonant Energy MEMS Array 和 系统em Including 直流发电机amically Modifiable Power Processor,” U.S. 专利没有. 6,954,025, Issued October 11, 2005. 
  • Sheplak, M.卡特菲斯塔,L.西田,T.霍洛维茨,S., “Electromechanical Acoustic Liner”, U.S. Patent Number 6,782,109, Issued August 24, 2004. 
  • Cattafesta L. N., 3, Wlezien, R. W., Won, C. C.Garg, S., “Mass Injection for Reducing Flow-Induced Resonance in a Cavity”, U.S. Patent Number 6,078,674, Issued June 20, 2000.
  • Cattafesta L. N., 3, Wlezien, R. W., Won, C. C.Garg, S., “Reducing Flow-Induced Resonance in a Cavity,” U.S. Patent Number 5,818,947, Issued Oct. 6, 1998.